Daily Schedule

Our school day is 9:30-3:30 on Thursdays and Fridays.

Our days are designed to reflect our educational philosophy and the needs of young children. Research shows that students need frequent brain breaks and physical activity, so our schedule switches which parts of the brain are used and makes frequent use of breaks, recess, and play.

All classes begin the day with a morning meeting, including Bible reading, hymns, and poetry.

Our kindergarten is a play-based model, and the language arts and math centers incorporate free play in those domains as well as short reading, writing, and math lessons. Kindergarteners also have nature study, rest time, recesses, artist and composer exposure, and many good books of history and literature.

For our first through third graders, reading, writing, and math lessons are engaging and accessible for different learning styles while also recognizing this age group's ability to focus a little longer and work more independently.

In addition to continuing math, history/geography, and artist/composer study, fourth graders move into literature rather than phonics, science class in addition to nature study, and more writing.

The afternoon for all classes integrates science, outdoors, history, geography, and the arts, which may reflect a combination of child-led and teacher-directed learning and activities.